Reach into our toolbox and pull out everything you need to set up your math classroom.
Parent Handouts
Sample Math Syllabus - Let students and parents know grading policies, math standards and classroom expectations for a smooth start to the year.
Sample Math Syllabus #2
Sample Algebra Syllabus
Sample parent letter - Introduce yourself to parents and let them know how you can work together as a team to support their child.
Student Handouts
4 Steps to Math Success Handout - Set up classroom expections
Late Passes - Passes ready to print and hand out to students
Hall Passes - Coming Soon!
Getting to Know You Activities
Student Questionnaire - Get to know your students by having them answer questions about what motivates them. Turn it into a scavenger hunt game by cutting and pasting answers into a grid for students to search for and cross off.
Printable Templates
Weekly Learning Log - Print and hand out for students to record daily learning targets, homework assignments and daily warm up. 2 pages to be printed double-sided.
Diagnostic Test
Basic Skills Assessment - Basic Skills Assessments for new students or the whole class. Includes answer key.